Webb reveals steamy atmosphere of distant planet in detail

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has captured the distinct signature of water, along with evidence for clouds and haze, in the atmosphere surrounding a hot, puffy gas giant planet orbiting a distant Sun-like star.

X-ray binary GX 3+1 investigated with AstroSat

Using the AstroSat spacecraft, Indian astronomers have investigated a low-mass X-ray binary known as GX 3+1. The study provided more insights into the properties of GX 3+1 and detected a thermonuclear burst from this source. ...

A new duality solves a physics mystery

In conventional wisdom, producing a curved space requires distortions, such as bending or stretching a flat space. A team of researchers at Purdue University have discovered a new method to create curved spaces that also ...

Supernova reveals its secrets to team of astronomers

An international group of astronomers led by Benjamin Thomas of The University of Texas at Austin has used observations from the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) at the university's McDonald Observatory to unlock a puzzling mystery ...

Enhancing simulations of curved space with qubits

One of the mind-bending ideas that physicists and mathematicians have come up with is that space itself—not just objects in space—can be curved. When space curves (as happens dramatically near a black hole), sizes and ...

New dates for the start of Viking-age trade

Mobility shaped the human world profoundly long before the modern age. But archaeologists often struggle to create a timeline for the speed and impact of this mobility. An interdisciplinary team of researchers at the Danish ...

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