New perspectives in human behavior and culture

It is at the confluence of different experiences that new theories come into being. Writing in this week's "Perspectives" in the journal Science, ASU researchers Kim Hill and Rob Boyd comment on new science by Barsbai et ...

Study describes new way of generating insulin-producing cells

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden show how a molecule that they have identified stimulates the formation of new insulin-producing cells in zebrafish and mammalian tissue, through a newly described mechanism for ...

Easy printing of biosensors made of graphene

Cell-based biosensors can simulate the effect of various substances, such as drugs, on the human body in the laboratory. Depending on the measuring principle, though, producing them can be expensive. As a result, they are ...

Human actions impact wild salmon's ability to evolve

Once spring-run chinook salmon disappear, they are not likely to re-emerge, indicates genetic analysis of the revered wild fish in a study led by the University of California, Davis. Prompt conservation action could preserve ...

Study shows female managers don't mean higher pay for women

A new paper in the European Sociological Review indicates that women's and men's earnings are not affected by the share of female managers in an organization, nor by the sex of workers' individual managers.

Public database of standardized linguistic features

Is it true that many languages in the world use words similar to "mama" and "papa" for "mother" and "father"? If a language uses only one word for both "arm" and "hand," does it also use only one word for both "leg" and "foot"? ...

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