Teaching science to the religious? Focus on how theories develop

Vicious, winner-take-all competition in nature is an essential pillar of evolutionary theory, but it frequently describes the mindset people have about how, or whether, to teach the subject. Religious students sometimes come ...

The Growing Market for 'War Porn' -- What's Going On?

(PhysOrg.com) -- "War porn" -- videos viewed for entertainment that feature gruesome footage of dead American soldiers or the killing of soldiers and civilians in the Middle East wars -- are growing in numbers online, in ...

Prized mushroom collection returns to China

(AP) -- A Chinese scholar persecuted during the Cultural Revolution for smuggling a rare collection of mushrooms out of China before World War II was honored Saturday when the collection was returned more than 70 years later.

Mid-Century Model Homes Helped Shape Domestic Ideals

(PhysOrg.com) -- A University of Arkansas researcher examined trends in model houses in the post-World War II era and found that they represent a transformation in cultural and domestic life that continues to influence housing ...

Science and Star Wars

Might popular culture, such as the Star Wars science fiction franchise be used to boost skills among those involved in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)? Writing in the International Journal of Social ...

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