Facebook photos may reflect unconscious cultural differences

For millions of Facebook users, choosing which photo to use for an online profile is an important decision. Should it be lighthearted or professional, personal or more abstract? According to a study by researchers at the ...

Neighboring chimp communities have their own nut-cracking styles

People don't always do as their neighbors do, and the same is true of neighboring chimpanzees. That's according to a report published online on May 10 in Current Biology featuring observations of wild chimps as they used ...

Why do pivotal cultural differences among countries exist?

In today's world, conflicts and misunderstandings frequently arise between those who are from more restrictive cultures and those from less restrictive ones. Now, a new international study led by the University of Maryland ...

Altruism: Genetic or Cultural Evolution?

(PhysOrg.com) -- The origins of altruism, the willingness to make personal sacrifices for the benefit of others often unknown to us, has perplexed evolutionary social scientists and biologists for years.

'Entrepreneurial spirit': A product of nature or nurture?

The concept of cultural entrepreneurship has many facets. It encompasses both the cultural and social impact of entrepreneurial training, and the environmental factors that influence its development.

Why do metaphors of space help us understand time?

Expressions linking space to time are a common part of our day to day lives. You might say the morning "flew by," or that school exams are "fast approaching." Right now, you might say summer is "just around the corner," while ...

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