Database stores names for family members in 1,200+ languages

The words different cultures use to describe family members have revealed some intriguing insights—including why in Balto-Slavic languages there is a complicated relationship between in-laws and weasels.

Study shows human tendency to help others is universal

A new study on the human capacity for cooperation suggests that, deep down, people of diverse cultures are more similar than you might expect. The study, published in Scientific Reports, shows that from the towns of England, ...

Exploring Indian genetic heritage in present-day Thailand

A new genetic analysis reveals novel insights into the genetic heritage of people living in Thailand in the present day, which suggest the potential importance of past migrations in spreading Indian culture to the region. ...

Climate adaptation of households compared internationally

The climate is changing, not only in the Netherlands, but far beyond, as well. The U.N. climate conference in Glasgow in 2021 had a clear message: Climate adaptation is required of everyone, from governments to individuals ...

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