First-of-its-kind mummy study reveals clues to girl's story

Who is she, this little mummy girl? Northwestern University scientists and students are working to unravel some of her mysteries, including how her body was prepared 1,900 years ago in Egypt, what items she may have been ...

Isle of Skye fossil makes three species one

The discovery of a tiny, 170-million-year-old fossil on the Isle of Skye, off the north-west coast of the UK, has led Oxford University researchers to conclude that three previously recognised species are in fact just one.

The challenge of measuring a bird brain

In research, sometimes setting out to demonstrate one concept actually results in proving something entirely different. It's important to be flexible.

CT scanning shows why tilting trees produce better biofuel

Imperial researchers have used medical imaging techniques to explore why making willow trees grow at an angle can vastly improve their biofuel yields. Using micro-CT scans, the team showed that the trees respond to being ...

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