Double aromatic rings stabilize multications

A redox active polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) composed of azulene and pyrroles was developed by a research team at Ehime University. This nitrogen-embedded PAH contains two kinds of aromatic rings in the dicationic ...

How molecular footballs burst in an X-ray laser beam

An international research team has observed in real time how football molecules made of carbon atoms burst in the beam of an X-ray laser. The study shows the temporal course of the bursting process, which takes less than ...

Physicists shed X-ray light on melting polymers

Physicists from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) and Lomonosov Moscow State University have combined thermal analysis and X-ray scattering—two techniques for studying crystal structure—in one experimental ...

The use of Camelid antibodies for structural biology

The use of Camelid antibodies has important implications for future development of reagents for diagnosis and therapeutics in diseases involving a group of enzymes called serine proteases.

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