Space race under way to create quantum satellite

In this month's special edition of Physics World, focusing on quantum physics, Thomas Jennewein and Brendon Higgins from the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo, Canada, describe how a quantum space ...

Sinister code-breakers, beware

In the early– to mid-​​20th cen­tury, gov­ern­ments com­monly used cryp­tog­raphy to encrypt top-​​secret mes­sages or mil­i­tary com­mu­ni­ca­tions. But now that the com­puter and Internet age has ...

Quantum cryptography goes maintream

(—Researchers from Toshiba and the Department of Engineering have perfected a technique that offers a less expensive way to ensure the security of high-speed fibre-optic cables, protecting communication networks ...

First noiseless single photon amplifier

Research physicists have demonstrated the first device capable of amplifying the information in a single particle of light without adding noise.

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