UQ Physics boosts the signal

(PhysOrg.com) -- University of Queensland physicists have demonstrated a novel solution to the problem of information degradation when amplifying signals at the quantum information level.

Single photons step into the slow light

(PhysOrg.com) -- European experts in nanotechnology, optoelectronics and quantum physics have advanced the generation, detection and manipulation of single photons in semiconductors. Their discoveries bring practical single-photon ...

Quantum computer calculates exact energy of molecular hydrogen

In an important first for a promising new technology, scientists have used a quantum computer to calculate the precise energy of molecular hydrogen. This groundbreaking approach to molecular simulations could have profound ...

Researchers unite to distribute quantum keys

Researchers from across Europe have united to build the largest quantum key distribution network ever built. The efforts of 41 research and industrial organisations were realised as secure, quantum encrypted information ...

Scientists demonstrate all-fiber quantum logic

A team of physicists and engineers have demonstrated all-fibre quantum logic, where single photons are generated and used to perform the controlled-NOT quantum logic gate in optical fibres with high fidelity.

Making quantum cryptography practical

Quantum cryptography, a completely secure means of communication, is much closer to being used practically as researchers from Toshiba and Cambridge University's Cavendish Laboratory have now developed high speed detectors ...

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