Using entangled particles to create unbreakable encryption

The discovery of quantum mechanics opened the door to fundamentally new ways of communicating, processing, and protecting data. With a quantum revolution well underway, long unimaginable opportunities are coming within our ...

Cryptography without using secret keys

Most security applications, for instance, access to buildings or digital signatures, use cryptographic keys that must at all costs be kept secret. That also is the weak link: Who will guarantee that the key doesn't get stolen ...

Random numbers—hard times ahead for hackers

Whenever we need to communicate in secret, a cryptographic key is needed. For this key to work, it must consist of numbers chosen at random without any structure – just the opposite of using the birthdate of our favourite ...

Encryption for everyone

In the wake of the revelations that intelligence agencies have been engaged in mass surveillance activities, both industry and society at large are looking for practicable encryption solutions that protect businesses and ...

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