CryoSat reveals recent Greenland ice loss

In the most detailed picture to date, information from ESA's CryoSat satellite reveals how melting ice in Greenland has recently contributed twice as much to sea-level rise as the prior two decades.

CryoSat reveals Antarctica in 3-D

Around 250 million measurements taken by ESA's CryoSat over the last six years have been used to create a unique 3-D view of Antarctica, offering a snapshot of the undulating surface of this vast ice sheet.

Arctic ice shrinking in volume, too, ESA reports

Arctic sea ice, which has been declining in area by unprecedented amounts in summer, is also falling in volume, the European Space Agency (ESA) said on Wednesday.

CryoSat maps largest-ever flood beneath Antarctica

( —ESA's CryoSat satellite has found a vast crater in Antarctica's icy surface. Scientists believe the crater was left behind when a lake lying under about 3 km of ice suddenly drained.

CryoSat ice satellite rides new waves

( -- ESA’s CryoSat mission has been gathering detailed information on the thickness of Earth’s ice since its launch in 2010. Through international collaboration, this state-of-the-art mission is soon ...

Via research aircraft instead of dog sled

With dog food and a pack of huskies Dr. Veit Helm would not get far on his Antarctic expeditions. Instead, the geophysicist at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association conducts ...

CryoSat rocking and rolling

( -- ESA’s ice satellite is rolling left and right in orbit to help it continue its precise measurements of the vast ice sheets that blanket Greenland and Antarctica.

New CryoSat-2 satellite redraws Arctic sea-ice map

Scientists have produced the most extensive map of Arctic sea-ice thickness yet using just two months' worth of data from the European Space Agency's ice mission, CryoSat-2.

Satellite takes a space-eye view of Arctic ice

( -- More than 700 kilometres above Earth, a recently launched satellite is being readied to provide University of Alberta researchers with a new set of eyes for monitoring ice thickness across the Arctic.

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