Drone test of planetary landing radar

This drone took to the sky over Finland to assess the suitability of one particular terrestrial technology for space: the radar systems found in many of today's cars, responsible for automated cruise control and other safe ...

New blast at St. Vincent volcano; cruise ship helps evacuees

La Soufriere volcano shot out another explosive burst of gas and ash on Friday as a cruise ship arrived to evacuate some of the foreigners who had been stuck on a St. Vincent island coated in ash from a week of violent eruptions.

Leap in lidar could improve safety, security of new technology

Whether it's on top of a self-driving car or embedded inside the latest gadget, Light Detection and Ranging (lidar) systems will likely play an important role in our technological future, enabling vehicles to 'see' in real-time, ...

Testing finds flaws with electronic car safety systems

Cars and trucks with electronic driver assist systems may not see stopped vehicles and could even steer you into a crash if you're not paying attention, an insurance industry group warns.

How much would you trust an autonomous vehicle?

Would you trust a car that does the driving for you? Do you trust the adaptive cruise control available in newer cars? What about the traction control feature? Would you trust a car to brake for you in an emergency?

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