Workforce from the digital cloud

By means of cloud computing, enterprises can access scalable computing power and storage capacity. A people cloud, by contrast, supplies a scalable number of workers via the internet. It is used when non-automated tasks are ...

Microryza helps round up dollars for fund-it-yourself science

When two University of Washington graduates launched one of the first crowd funding sites for science, they had to beat the bushes for projects. A year later, so many researchers are beating on Microryza's door that the startup ...

Scientists use 'crowd funding' to secure research funds

When Tara Crawford saw a fishing net wrapped around a young California sea lion’s neck, cutting into its flesh and causing an infection, it reinforced her motivation to help these animals through her research.

OpenLearning launches into competitive MOOCs market

A start-up that allows universities to offer massive open online courses (MOOCs) has opened for business, signing on more than 1,000 students to a 12-week computer science and engineering course from the University of New ...

The wisdom of (smaller) crowds

When guessing the weight of an ox or estimating how many marbles fill a jar, the many have been shown to be smarter than the few. These collective displays of intelligence have been dubbed 'the wisdom of crowds,' but exactly ...

Experiments inform study of crowd motion

What must the staid-faced University luminaries in those portraits around Sayles Hall have thought while they watched this scene play out for four days last week? Over and over, two to 20 young men and women in bike helmets ...

Video: The chemistry of redheads

St. Patrick's Day evokes thoughts of all things often associated with the Irish—including red hair. Chemically speaking, what sets redheads apart from the crowd is pigmentation—specifically melanins.

Human crowds are best modeled by a 'visual neighborhood'

Human crowd dynamics are best predicted by a visual neighborhood model, based on the visual fields of each person in the crowd. Birds flock, fish school, and human crowds, too, move in a collective motion pattern. Understanding ...

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