Fringe group hooved animals may be better problem solvers

A team of psychologists, animal behaviorists and neuroscientists affiliated with several institutions in Spain and Germany has found via experimentation that hoofed fringe group individuals may be better problem solvers than ...

Crows able to understand the concept of recursion

Researchers at the University of Tübingen have found via experimentation that crows are capable of understanding the concept of recursion. In their paper published in the journal Science Advances, Diana Liao, Katharina Brecht, ...

Tropical crow species is highly skilled tool user

An international team of scientists and conservation experts has discovered that the critically-endangered Hawaiian crow, or 'Alalā, is a highly proficient tool user, according to a paper published today in the leading scientific ...

Crows found able to distinguish between human voices

( -- Researchers at the University of Vienna have discovered that carrion crows are able to distinguish between familiar and unknown human voices. They also found, as they write in their paper published in the journal ...

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