Migratory behavior affects the size of brains in birds

Researchers at Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF, a Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain) shed new light on the evolution of brain size in birds. Scientists have known for some time that ...

Crows demonstrate their cleverness with tools (w/ Video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- New Zealand scientists studying New Caledonian crows have found they can use three different tools in succession to gain a food treat. The crows are known to solve problems and fashion and use tools in the ...

Wild crows reveal tool skills

(PhysOrg.com) -- A new study using motion sensitive video cameras has revealed how New Caledonian crows use tools in the wild, Oxford University scientists report.

Long feared extinct, rare bird rediscovered

Known to science only by two specimens described in 1900, a critically endangered crow has re-emerged on a remote, mountainous Indonesian island thanks in part to a Michigan State University scientist.

Crows can use 'up to three tools'

(PhysOrg.com) -- New experiments by Oxford University scientists reveal that New Caledonian crows can spontaneously use up to three tools in the correct sequence to achieve a goal, something never before observed in non-human ...

$14M effort announced to save rare Hawaiian bird

(AP) -- Federal wildlife officials say they plan to spend more than $14 million to prevent the extinction of the Hawaiian crow, one of the rarest forest birds in the world.

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