In a race for Cheetos, magpies win, but crows steal

Black-billed magpies and American crows, both members of the clever corvid family of birds, have adapted comfortably to life in urban and suburban communities. In Jackson Hole, Wyoming, the two species often nest nearby each ...

Crowds of crows spread C. jejuni: Are humans vulnerable?

Crows are smart, highly social animals that congregate in flocks of tens of thousands. Such large, highly concentrated populations can easily spread disease—not only amongst their own species, but quite possibly to humans, ...

Unique beak evolved with tool use in New Caledonian crow

It was as plain as the beak on a bird's face. Cornell ornithologist and crow expert Kevin McGowan recalls the day in the late 1990s when he first saw stuffed specimens of the New Caledonian crow.

Crows caught on camera fashioning special hook tools

Dr Jolyon Troscianko, from the University of Exeter, and Dr Christian Rutz, from the University of St Andrews, have captured first video recordings documenting how these tropical corvids fashion these particularly complex ...

When crows connect

An international team led by scientists at the University of St Andrews has studied social networks to understand how information might spread within and between groups of tool-using New Caledonian crows, according to a paper ...

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