Excess nitrogen fertilizer increasing warming in China

Halving the amount of nitrogen fertiliser used in certain areas of China would substantially decrease greenhouse gas emissions without affecting crop productivity and the area's natural carbon sink.

'Superweeds' linked to rising herbicide use in GM crops

A study published this week by Washington State University research professor Charles Benbrook finds that the use of herbicides in the production of three genetically modified herbicide-tolerant crops—cotton, soybeans and ...

Study tracks relationship between storms, cities

(Phys.org)—On the Great Plains, storm clouds are visible from quite a distance. And, sometimes, those storms seem to veer off course for no apparent reason. A group of scientists is studying weather patterns to determine ...

New study suggests severe deficits in UK honeybee numbers

A study published by the University of Reading's Centre for Agri Environmental Research suggests that honeybees may not be as important to pollination services in the UK than previously supposed. The research was published ...

Web-based program designs more efficient farm terrace layouts

From the time of the Babylonians to the Incas, terracing has been used to prevent water from eroding steep and hilly croplands. Designing terrace layouts can be time consuming and labor intensive. Now, University of Missouri ...

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