Quantifying corn rootworm damage

Every year farmers spend a lot of money trying to control corn rootworm larvae, which are a significant threat to maize production in the United States and, more recently, in Europe. University of Illinois researchers have ...

Is reducing environmental impact in the EU feasible?

By 2023 all EU member states must be complying with more stringent guidelines related to Integrated Pest Management (IPM). "The essence of the new guideline is reducing the environmental impact of pesticides," says Piet Boonekamp, ...

Global meta-analysis quantifies benefits of cover crop use

For years, both scientists and farmers have debated whether the use of cover crops—plants used to cover the ground after harvesting of main crops—have a positive or negative impact on subsequent crop yield. Hundreds of ...

Wild turkey damage to crops and wildlife mostly exaggerated

As populations of wild turkeys have increased, the number of complaints about crop damage has also increased. However, a literature review which will be published in the June 2013 issue of Journal of Integrated Pest Management, ...

Canadian Prairies farmers try to adapt to a warming world

Following repeated droughts, Canadian farmers are trying to adapt to a new era in agriculture marked by a warming world—including by trapping snow in their fields, planting heat-resistant crops and seeding earlier in the ...

Stopping yellow spot fungus that attacks wheat crops

Scientists from the Centre for Crop and Disease Management (CCDM) and Curtin University in Western Australia have used an advanced imaging technique at the Australian Synchrotron for an in-depth look at how a fungus found ...

IT tools enhance global crop management strategies

Growing up in Uruguay—a country with four cows per every person—Virginia Pravia was immersed in the agriculture industry at an early age. During summers and holidays, Pravia watched as her family raised cattle and sheep ...

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