How plant biology research could inform COVID-19 treatments

Investigating the building blocks of biology can lead to unexpected outcomes. That's what happened when researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory were exploring plant genetics. Although their ...

Developing drugs against drought

Abscisic acid (ABA) is a plant hormone with essential functions in plant physiology. It is involved in developmental and growth processes and the adaptive stress response. Thus, the plant adaptation to stress situations caused ...

Wheat's ancient roots of viral resistance uncovered

The DNA sequence of a gene in wheat responsible for resisting a devastating virus has been discovered, providing vital clues for managing more resistant crops and maintaining a healthy food supply.

What is gene editing and how could it shape our future?

It is the most exciting time in genetics since the discovery of DNA in 1953. This is mainly due to scientific breakthroughs including the ability to change DNA through a process called gene editing.

India's switch to GM food crops hinges on court verdict

Whether India—the world's second-largest producer of staples like rice and wheat as well as fruits and vegetables—finally switches to genetically modified (GM) food crops hinges on litigation currently being fought in ...

How could climate change alter our diets?

As climate change alters rainfall and temperatures, and provokes heat waves and droughts, the quality and quantity of crops suffer. Such changes to yields could significantly jeopardize food security for the world's growing ...

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