Pollinator extinctions alter structure of ecological networks

The absence of a single dominant bumblebee species from an ecosystem disrupts foraging patterns among a broad range of remaining pollinators in the system—from other bees to butterflies, beetles and more, field experiments ...

Catching rice-invading snails in the act

Commonly available eco-friendly plants and materials can be used to trap rice-crop-invading snails in place of chemicals, according to new research in the Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science.

Harvesting clues to GMO dilemmas from China's soybean fields

China's struggle - mirrored across the globe—to balance public concern over the safety of genetically modified (GM) crops with a swelling demand for affordable food crops has left a disconnect: In China's case, shrinking ...

Insecticides foster 'toxic' slugs, reduce crop yields

Insecticides aimed at controlling early-season crop pests, such as soil-dwelling grubs and maggots, can increase slug populations, thus reducing crop yields, according to researchers at Penn State and the University of South ...

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