Military grooms new officers for war in cyberspace

The U.S. service academies are ramping up efforts to groom a new breed of cyberspace warriors to confront increasing threats to the nation's military and civilian computer networks that control everything from electrical ...

Growing cyber threat to US infrastructure: spy chief

The United States faces a mounting danger from cyber attacks on its infrastructure while digital espionage threatens to undercut the military's technological edge, the intelligence chief said Tuesday.

3Qs: The rules of cyber-engagement

The Obama administration is close to approving the nation's first set of rules for how the military can defend or retaliate against a major cyberattack, according to a report last month in The New York Times. One such new ...

Huawei: Australia law could exclude China firms

(AP)—An official of Chinese telecoms equipment giant Huawei Technologies said Friday he is concerned that new Australian laws to protect communication networks from cyber-attacks could exclude companies from tendering for ...

US spy master courts top hackers at Def Con

US spy master Keith Alexander on Friday courted hackers at an infamous Def Con gathering rife with software tricksters wary of police and ferociously protective of privacy.

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