Necrophilia—most offensive of offences, but no one prosecuted

No case of necrophilia has ever come before UK courts, although British awareness of the offence is high - and was further raised by some of the most distressing revelations about Jimmy Savile's activities. It is also of ...

No crime in Huawei 5G leak: British police

The top-secret leak that Britain had conditionally allowed China's Huawei to develop its 5G network, which brought down the defence minister, does not amount to a criminal offence, police concluded Saturday.

Evil gene would make punishment a tricky business

Are there evil genes or is it only people who can be evil? A recent story in The Age ("Deep Divide of 'Evil Genes'") raised the question of whether criminals might evade responsibility for their crimes by blaming their genes.

New Zealand mulls new cyber-bullying law

New Zealand said it was considering making cyber-bullying a criminal offence, amid concerns that existing laws offer inadequate protection from online harassment.

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