Crime Victims' Institute studies adolescent sex and laws

While statutory rape laws have been enacted to protect minors from sexual abuse by adults or peers, more teenagers are engaging in sexual activity before the legal age of consent and are facing sexual assault charges.

How rape culture shapes whether a survivor is believed

A hallmark of the #MeToo movement has been to make plain the ubiquity of sexual violence against women and the impunity with which some perpetrators get away with it again and again. Rape is the nation's most underreported ...

Thai cops bust $3 million phone scam gang

A gang of 44 people from China and Taiwan have been arrested in Thailand for running an elaborate phone scam that conned $3 million from scores of victims, police said Monday.

News Corp. shareholder protest votes defeated (Update)

(AP)—News Corp. managed to avoid rowdy protests at its annual shareholders meeting Tuesday, but that didn't stop stockholders from voicing complaints about the grip on the company held by founder and CEO Rupert Murdoch ...

Knowledge gap undermines position of foreign women in UK custody

Researchers from the Institute of Criminology reveal that many women trafficked into the UK who commit crime under duress are imprisoned without support or protection, and call for improved ways to identify the victims among ...

Study examines response to sexual violence on campus

To address concerns over sexual violence on college campuses, higher education institutions are required to appoint a Title IX Coordinator to investigate incidents, but few are trained to deal with the broad range of offenses ...

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