Hand odor can reveal a person's sex, study shows

The profile of scent compounds from a person's hand can be used to predict their sex, according to a new study led by Kenneth Furton of Florida International University, and published in the journal PLOS ONE.

Forensics lab cracks case on newer, 'greener' gunshot residue

Discoveries by West Virginia University forensic scientists about how gunshot residue behaves on skin, hair and fabric will allow crime scene investigators to catch up to the proliferation of new, eco-friendly types of ammunition ...

New forensic technique for identifying cloth fibers

Crime-scene investigators may soon have a new tool to help them catch evildoers. Researchers have demonstrated the proof-of-principle for a new forensic technique to identify individual fibers of cloth, which often all look ...

Hair dye 'CSI' could help police solve crimes

Criminals with a penchant for dyeing their hair could soon pay for their vanity. Scientists have found a way to analyze hair samples at crime scenes to rapidly determine whether it was colored and what brand of dye was used. ...

NEC plans DNA analyzer for nearly-instant results

(Phys.org)—NEC is working on a DNA analyzer that is the size of a suitcase, portable enough to be taken to crime scenes. The NEC analyzer integrates all steps required in DNA analysis. By 2014, NEC intends to issue a model ...

DNA evidence on dogs can help track down offenders

Canines are often used in tracking down criminals but forensic science researchers say they could also help provide crucial evidence in police investigations—by being a witness or resident at the crime scene.

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