New forensic technique for identifying cloth fibers

Crime-scene investigators may soon have a new tool to help them catch evildoers. Researchers have demonstrated the proof-of-principle for a new forensic technique to identify individual fibers of cloth, which often all look ...

Novel technique to detect fingerprints

An innovative product that uses fluorescence to detect fingerprints has been developed by a team from the Laboratoire de Photophysique et Photochimie Supramoléculaire et Macromoléculaire (CNRS/ENS Cachan) in collaboration ...

New forensic technique for analysing lipstick traces

( —A study by forensic scientists at the University of Kent has established a new way of identifying which brand of lipstick someone was wearing at a crime scene without removing the evidence from its bag, thereby ...

DNA links 'Boston Strangler' to final victim

A breakthrough in DNA technology has linked the man who confessed to being the Boston Strangler to the last of the 1960s murders attributed to the notorious serial killer, officials said.

The inverse CSI effect in the age of digital crime

The "CSI Effect" has been described as being an increased expectation from jurors that forensic evidence will be presented in court that is instantaneous and unequivocal because that is how it is often presented for dramatic ...

Forensic scientists recover fingerprints from foods

( —Forensic scientists at the University of Abertay Dundee have recovered latent fingerprints from foods – publishing the UK's first academic paper on this subject.

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