NASA's Orion spacecraft proves sound under pressure

( —After a month of being poked, prodded and pressurized in ways that mimicked the stresses of spaceflight, NASA's Orion crew module successfully passed its static loads tests on Wednesday.

Space station crew captures Soyuz launch, as seen from orbit

Just how much activity on Earth can be seen from orbit? In the dark of night, the Soyuz rocket launch on March 29/28, 2013 was bright enough to be seen by the International Space Station crew 350 km (220 miles) above. "Soyuz ...

US-Russian crew blasts off for space station (Update)

A Russian spacecraft carrying a three-man crew blasted off Friday from a launch pad in the steppes of Kazakhstan, for the first time taking a shorter path to the International Space Station.

NASA progressing toward first launch of Orion spacecraft

(—Recent engineering advances by NASA and its industry partners across the country show important progress toward Exploration Flight Test-1 (EFT-1), the next step to launching humans to deep space. The uncrewed ...

SpaceX transitions to third commercial crew phase with NASA

Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) has completed its first three performance milestones for NASA's Commercial Crew Integrated Capability (CCiCap) initiative, which is intended to lead to the availability of commercial ...

NASA's undersea mission submerges in the Atlantic

An international crew of aquanauts is settling into its home on the ocean floor, where the team will spend 12 days testing concepts for a potential asteroid mission. The expedition is the 16th excursion of the NASA Extreme ...

Russia sets space crew's return after crash

Russia said Monday it would return three of the six international crew members on board the International Space Station to Earth later this week despite no immediate plans to send up their replacement.

Russians search for crashed spaceship in Siberia

(AP) -- Russian authorities said Thursday they are using helicopters in their search for the wreckage of the unmanned supply ship that crashed and exploded in a forested area in Siberia.

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