Fraud-proof credit cards possible with quantum physics

Credit card fraud and identify theft are serious problems for consumers and industries. Though corporations and individuals work to improve safeguards, it has become increasingly difficult to protect financial data and personal ...

Researchers crack unassailable encryption algorithm in two hours

( —A protocol based on "discrete logarithms", deemed as one of the candidates for the Internet's future security systems, was decrypted by EPFL researchers. Allegedly tamper-proof, it could only stand up to the ...

Chip and pin terminals shown to harvest customer info

( -- For all customers, merchants and restaurant owners making use of card readers for transactions, well, this is not the best of news. Experts have found a security flaw in chip and PIN terminals that allows thieves ...

NEC goes ultra-thin with 0.3mm-thick batteries

( -- NEC, which has been working on what is called "organic radical battery" (ORB) technology for some years, has announced its latest ORB breakthrough, the 0.3mm thick ORB. According to, the output rated ...

Attacking the edges of secure Internet traffic

(AP) -- Researchers have uncovered new ways that criminals can spy on Internet users even if they're using secure connections to banks, online retailers or other sensitive Web sites.

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