143 mn affected in hack of US credit agency

A major American credit reporting agency entrusted to safeguard personal financial information said Thursday hackers looted its system in a colossal breach that could affect nearly half the US population as well as people ...

Utah breach affects 25,000 Social Security numbers

(AP) -- Utah health officials said Friday that hackers who broke into state computers last weekend stole far more medical records than originally thought, and the data likely includes Social Security numbers of children ...

Why you should consider freezing your credit reports

Freeze your credit reports before you get burned. That's the message from security experts, consumer advocates and some state Attorneys General. They say more people should consider a credit freeze as a way to block identity ...

Senator calls for Experian to share details on data breach

The top Democrat on the Senate Banking Committee is calling for the credit agency Experian to disclose more details about a data breach in which personal information on millions of T-Mobile customers was stolen.

Hackers had access to millions of Social Security numbers

Hackers who breached a Kansas Department of Commerce data system in March had access to more than 5.5 million Social Security numbers in 10 states, along with another 805,000 accounts that didn't include the Social Security ...