Microplastics endanger ocean health

Tiny pieces of plastic contaminate almost every sea in the world. Now scientists have found that marine creatures like fish and birds are eating this microscopic waste, which may be harming their health.

Bridges get a quick check-up with new imaging technique

Swiss engineers have developed a new imaging technique that lets them see the insides of massive concrete bridges. Much like a sonogram, this technique provides quick, easy-to-interpret images, so that the health of these ...

Exclusive species found at higher altitudes

Researchers have long postulated that animal and vegetation species living in mountainous areas of high altitude are isolated, and thus much more exclusive. A new Spanish-German study substantiates this long-held theory, ...

Creatures from the deep surface in NY exhibit

They have their own lights, teeth, and weird names like vampire squid, stoplight loosejaws, and bristlemouth -- meet the weird denizens of the deep surfacing for an exhibition in New York starting this week.

Marine Protected Areas are keeping turtles safe

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are providing sea turtles with an ideal habitat for foraging and may be keeping them safe from the threats of fishing. A study by an international team of scientists led by the University of ...

Lawsuits against EPA target nutrients in US waters

(AP) -- Environmental groups are suing the Environmental Protection Agency to force the federal government to curb an overdose of nutrients from farms and cities that end up in the nation's rivers, lakes and coastal waters. ...

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