Podcast: Tiny sea creature and a new medical adhesive

Scientists questing after a long-sought new medical adhesive describe copying the natural glue secreted by a tiny sea creature called the sandcastle worm in the latest episode in the American Chemical Society's podcast series, ...

Corals stay close to home

The thought of coral reefs tends to conjure up images of tropical vacations, complete with snorkeling among tropical fish in crystal clear waters.

Abalone are treasured -- nearly to extinction

The authorities popped him near the docks in Port Angeles. On a March afternoon in 1994, a sleek fishing boat -- not-so-subtly named the Abalone Made -- came ashore after puttering around Freshwater Bay. The waiting cops ...

Scientists Give a Hand(edness) to the Search for Alien Life

(PhysOrg.com) -- Visiting aliens may be the stuff of legend, but if a scientific team working at the National Institute of Standards and Technology is right, we may be able to find extraterrestrial life even before it leaves ...

Bermuda says rare national bird born on reserve

(AP) -- A fuzzy fledgling of Bermuda's national bird, spotted on a secluded offshore sanctuary this week, may help bring the rare creature back from the brink of extinction.

Nine rescued whales beach again in Australia

All but one of the 10 whales that survived a mass beaching on Australia's west coast were Wednesday believed to have come back ashore and were unlikely to survive, authorities said.

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