A novel method to precisely deliver therapeutics inside the body

A new way to deliver therapeutic proteins inside the body uses an acoustically sensitive carrier to encapsulate the proteins and ultrasound to image and guide the package to the exact location required, according to Penn ...

Periodic table still influencing today's research

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the Periodic Table, and the principles that drove Dmitri Mendeleev to construct his table are still influencing today's research advances.

Seeking feedback not always sufficient for stimulating creativity

It is widely believed that seeking feedback from colleagues, managers, friends and family enhances employees' creativity. But this is not always the case—a positive effect depends on the work environment. This is the conclusion ...

Creative activities outside work can improve job performance

Employees who pursue creative activities outside of work may find that these activities boost their performance on the job, according to a new study by San Francisco State University organizational psychologist Kevin Eschleman ...

Office plants boost well-being at work

Office plants can assist in boosting staff well-being by up to 47% according to workplace research carried out at this year's Chelsea Flower Show.

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