Crayfish study provides complicated web of interactions

Managing the damage and impact of non-native or invasive species costs the UK nearly £2 bn per year. The UK has seven species of crayfish with established populations – only one is a native species.

Improved egg enabled insects to conquer the land

Insects are so successful on the land because insect eggs are protected from desiccation. Thanks to an extraembryonic membrane in the egg, the serosa, insects could successfully switch from life in the water to life on land. ...

Zimbabwe faces crayfish crisis in water ecosystem

(AP)—Scientists in Zimbabwe say a fresh water crayfish brought from Australia is breeding out of control in the northern Lake Kariba, devouring the food sources of other fish and putting the nation's entire aquatic ecosystem ...

A minute crustacean invades the red swamp crayfish

The small ostracod Ankylocythere sinuosa measures no more than half a millimetre in length and lives on other crayfish. And, Spanish scientists have discovered it for the first time in Europe. The finding suggests that it ...

Carp dominate crayfish in invasive species battleground

( -- Louisiana red swamp crayfish and common carp are two of the most invasive species on the planet yet how they interact has only recently been revealed by scientists at Queen Mary, University of London.

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