Exciting discovery about the origin of humans

(PhysOrg.com) -- A major evolutionary biological study, performed partly by researchers at Uppsala University, reveals what has driven the evolution of new forms of life. The study also shows how such a complex life form ...

Few replicas as first cloned cat nears 10

Nearly 10 years after scientists cloned the first cat, predictions of a vast commercial market for the "resurrection" of beloved pets through cloning have fallen flat.

Methane gas from cows -- the proof is in the poo

Scientists could have a revolutionary new way of measuring how much of the potent greenhouse gas methane is produced by cows and other ruminants, thanks to a surprising discovery in their poo.

Extinct sea cow fossil found in Philippines

The bones of an extinct sea cow species that lived about 20 million years ago have been discovered in a cave in the Philippines by a team of Italian scientists, the expedition head said Monday.

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