Using AI to gauge the emotional state of cows and pigs

An animal scientist with Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands has created an artificial-intelligence-based application that can gauge the emotional state of farm animals based on photographs taken with a smartphone. ...

Solving the great Australian poop problem

Cattle farmers deal with a lot of persistent crap—literally. And the humble dung beetle might just be the answer they've been looking for.

Cows prefer "live" co-moo-nication, study reveals

After months of technology-based communication enforced by COVID-19, many of us are missing a "live" human voice. But we're not the only ones—a new study reveals that cows also prefer a face-to-face chat. The research, ...

A prion-related protein senses warmer temperature in plants

Many plants and trees flower in the spring when it gets warmer. How plants sense Scientists from the UK, France, Korea and Germany focused on a protein called EARLY FLOWERING3 (ELF3). ELF3 is a key part of the circadian clock ...

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