Capturing carbon with crops, trees and bioenergy

An integrated approach to land management practices in the U.S. can reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere far more than earlier estimates based on separate approaches, Michigan State University researchers say. Their research ...

Pumpkin production can benefit from conservation practices

Pumpkins (Cucurbita pepo) are a common vegetable crop sold at local pumpkin patches and farmers markets, in addition to commercial production. In 2019, the value of harvested pumpkin was worth $180 million.

Benefits of cover crops extend to dry areas

Cover crops do far more than cover soils. They provide an array of benefits, such as the ability to reduce soil erosion and increase soil health. They can help attract pollinators, repel pests, turn into "green manure," or ...

Cover crops help squash to squash their pathogens

When most of us think about crops, we think of our favorite grains and produce such as corn, tomatoes, and squash. However, after these "cash crops" are harvested, many farmers are encouraged to avoid leaving their fields ...

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