Senate blocks NSA phone records measure (Update)

The Senate on Tuesday blocked a bill to end bulk collection of Americans' phone records by the National Security Agency, dealing a blow to President Barack Obama's primary proposal to rein in domestic surveillance.

Erdogan passes law tightening Turkey's grip on Internet

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has approved a bill giving telecoms authorities more power to monitor online users and block websites, the latest move tightening state control over the Internet.

Ride-share operator Lyft's New York launch hit snag

Ride-share operator Lyft was forced Friday to postpone its planned launch in New York after a court intervened over demands that it satisfy local safety and licensing requirements.

New Jersey asks judge to block ocean blasting plan

New Jersey environmental officials went to federal court Thursday trying to block a federally approved research plan that involves blasting the ocean floor off New Jersey with loud sound waves.

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