Automatic insect identification for better grasp on biodiversity

One hundred camera traps, developed specifically for the automatic counting and recognition of insects, will be placed throughout the Netherlands this summer. This is a first, as this system has never before been used. Counting ...

Pollen: You can run, but you can't hide

( —It's the yellowish coating on cars. It floats on ponds, blows with the spring breeze and serves as a potent irritant to allergy sufferers. Now a NASA team is targeting pollen—and its work could help alleviate ...

Crowdsourcing nutrition in a snap

Americans spend upwards of $40 billion a year on dieting advice and self-help books, but the first step in any healthy eating strategy is basic awareness -- what's on the plate.

Birders prepare for count mindful of mass die-offs

(AP) -- Thousands of citizen-scientists across North America are getting out their tally sheets for the 13th annual Great Backyard Bird Count, a usually festive weekend given a more serious edge after the mass deaths of thousands ...

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