Counting orangutan nests to estimate orangutan population

A general misconception about estimating wildlife population is that it is a simple calculation of individual animals. Much like how we do a headcount at school, orangutans too, can be counted in a similar way in the wild.

Washing hands despite lack of water

Even though the water we've used for washing hands is barely contaminated, it usually goes down the drain. A newly developed system allows handwashing water to be recycled, thus not only saving water, but also helping to ...

Review explores how birds can stay slim, even when they overeat

Noticing that songbirds, such as finches, never seem to get fat despite overeating at bird feeders, London environmental biologist Lewis Halsey wondered whether the amount of energy birds put into singing, fidgeting, or exercising ...

Bay Area startups developing the high-tech way to make a baby

As Silicon Valley technophiles use devices to collect data on everything from how many calories they burn to their fluctuating stress levels and their posture, a group of entrepreneurs is bringing that technology somewhere ...

ICESat-2 equipped with unique 3-D manufactured part

NASA's follow-on to the successful ICESat mission will employ a never-before-flown technique for determining the topography of ice sheets and the thickness of sea ice, but that won't be the only first for this mission.

Examining new trends in citizen science

At the start of every year, most people will have made a list of New Year's resolutions. Some of the most common this year will be to get fit, adopt healthy eating habits and spend more time with the family. But have you ...

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