World's only dog test for a culprit in 'kennel cough'

The world's first diagnostic test for canine pneumovirus, a unique culprit in "kennel cough"—canine respiratory illness common in shelters and kennels—is now available at Cornell's Animal Health Diagnostic Center (AHDC).

Germs in space: Preventing infection on long flights

(—On a long spaceflight unique conditions including microgravity could give microbes the upper hand, but not if astronauts and their spacecrafts are properly prepared. In a new paper, infectious disease expert ...

Scientists identify likely origins of vertebrate air breathing

University of Alaska Fairbanks scientists have identified what they think is the ancestral trait that allowed for the evolution of air breathing in vertebrates. They will present their research at the 42nd annual meeting ...

Spit, anyone?

Mark Nicas has given some of his best years to spittle. He builds models - the mathematical kind - of how someone else's slobber ends up on you. The size of the particles, whether they come out in a dry cough or a wet sneeze, ...

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