The violent birth of neutron stars

( —A team of researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics conducted the most expensive and most elaborate computer simulations so far to study the formation of neutron stars at the center of collapsing ...

Explosive origins for cosmic dust

(—The European Space Agency's Herschel Space Observatory has produced an intricate view of the remains of a star that died in a stellar explosion a millennium ago. This new view provides further proof that the ...

Cosmic GDP crashes 97% as star formation slumps

(—While parts of the world experience economic hardship, a team of Portuguese, UK, Japanese, Italian and Dutch astronomers has found an even bigger slump happening on a cosmic scale.  In the largest ever study ...

New type of cosmic ray discovered after 100 years

(—Using the European X-ray astronomy satellite XMM-Newton, researchers from CNRS and CEA have discovered a new source of cosmic rays. In the vicinity of the remarkable Arches cluster, near the center of the Milky ...

Fewer exploding stars potential predictor of global warming

(—One of the universe's greatest unexplained mysteries – why stars explode – could be explained by a particle similar to the Higgs boson. The theory developed by University of Aberdeen astrophysicist, Dr Charles ...

Newest NASA Mars mission connects past and future

( -- NASA's newest Mars mission, landing in three days, will draw on support from missions sent to Mars years ago and will contribute to missions envisioned for future decades.

Red Crucifix sighting in 774 may have been supernova

( -- A supernova may have actually been the mysterious "Red Crucifix" in the sky that is cited in the Anglo Saxon Chronicle for the year 774. New correspondence between a university student and Nature carries interesting ...

California physicist shares 2011 Nobel Prize

Saul Perlmutter won the Nobel Prize in physics Tuesday, but it wasn't until the California scientist was awakened by a telephone call from a reporter in Sweden that he learned of the distinction.

Astronomers use moon in effort to corral elusive cosmic particles

( -- Seeking to detect mysterious, ultra-high-energy neutrinos from distant regions of space, a team of astronomers used the Moon as part of an innovative telescope system for the search. Their work gave new insight ...

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