SLAC researchers recreate the extreme universe in the lab

Conditions in the vast universe can be quite extreme: Violent collisions scar the surfaces of planets. Nuclear reactions in bright stars generate tremendous amounts of energy. Gigantic explosions catapult matter far out into ...

Dark energy is real, say astronomers

(—Dark energy, a mysterious substance thought to be speeding up the expansion of the Universe is really there, according to a team of astronomers at the University of Portsmouth and LMU University Munich.

When dark energy turned on (Update)

( -- Some six billion light years distant, almost halfway from now back to the big bang, the universe was undergoing an elemental change. Held back until then by the mutual gravitational attraction of all the ...

Neutrinos: Clues to the Most Energetic Cosmic Rays

( -- ARIANNA, a proposed array of detectors for capturing the most energetic cosmic rays, is being tested in Antarctica with a prototype station built last December on the Ross Ice Shelf by a Berkeley Lab team. ...

NASA's IXPE helps researchers maximize 'microquasar' findings

The powerful gravity fields of black holes can devour whole planets' worth of matter—often so violently that they expel streams of particles traveling near the speed of light in formations known as jets. Scientists understand ...

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