Political corruption has impact on social trust

Residents of states with more government corruption may not only lose trust in political officials, but also have less trust in the general public, according to a new study by Sean Richey, an assistant professor of political ...

7 in NY charged in Craigslist prostitution ring

(AP) -- Seven people have been indicted on charges of running a 24-hour prostitution ring on Craigslist, New York's attorney general announced Wednesday, the day after Craigslist's CEO filed a lawsuit to keep South Carolina's ...

Sun Micro: We may have broken US anti-bribery law

(AP) -- Sun Microsystems Inc. may have broken anti-bribery laws with its actions in an unspecified location outside the United States, a revelation that would-be acquirer Oracle Corp. knew about before inking its $7.4 billion ...

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