Aluminum alloy research could benefit manned space missions

The MIAMI-2—Microscopes and Ion Accelerators for Materials Investigations—facility has helped Dr. Matheus Tunes investigate a new alloy that will harden aluminum without increasing its weight significantly.

Overnight aurora sets sky on fire, more possible tonight

I'm writing this at 1:30 a.m. running on what's powering the sky over northern Minnesota right now – auroral energy. Even at this hour, rays are still sprouting in the southern sky and the entire north is milky blue-white ...

Scientists reveal source of supersonic downflows into sunspots

Solar transition region supersonic downflows (SDs) are downward falling mass flux toward the sunspots. This phenomenon commonly exists above most sunspots. In IRIS spectra, SDs are often observed as strongly redshifted secondary ...

Image: Solar corona viewed by Proba-2

This snapshot of our constantly changing Sun catches looping filaments and energetic eruptions on their outward journey from our star's turbulent surface.

Sun produces two CMEs

In the evening of Feb. 5, 2013, the sun erupted with two coronal mass ejections or CMEs that may glance near-Earth space. Experimental NASA research models, based on observations from the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory ...

Image: Auroral curtain reflected in a placid Icelandic lake

This dramatic panorama shows a colourful, shimmering auroral curtain reflected in a placid Icelandic lake. The image was taken on 18 March 2015 by Carlos Gauna, near Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon in southern Iceland.

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