Using maths to unravel the Sun's magnetic fields

Complex magnetic fields in the Sun's atmosphere help heat it to multi-million degree temperatures and create explosive events such as solar flares that affect us here on Earth.

NASA releases new visualization of space environment at Pluto

This video shows a simulation of the space environment all the way out to Pluto in the months surrounding New Horizons' July 2015 flyby. At the time, scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, ...

Image: Artificial eclipse

The sun experiences both calm and tempestuous periods of activity. At its most active, our star can fling out multiple bursts of particles in a single day in events known as coronal mass ejections, or CMEs. Particles within ...

SOHO celebrates 20 years of discoveries

Originally planned for a two-year mission, the ESA–NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, SOHO, is today celebrating two decades of scientific discovery.

NASA's STEREO-A resumes normal operations

On Nov. 9, 2015, NASA's Solar and Terrestrial Relations Observatory Ahead, or STEREO-A, once again began transmitting data at its full rate. For the previous year, STEREO-A was transmitting only a weak signal—or occasionally ...

NASA's beach ball coronagraph

What's better at blocking sunlight: a traditional flat occulter disk or a beach ball?

Europe comes together for space weather

Working with scientists in 14 countries across Europe, ESA is developing a warning network that will help protect us from the effects of our Sun's activity.

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