Gas hydrate strategy reinforced

Their critics weren't convinced the first time, but Rice University researchers didn't give up on the "ice that burns."

800,000 years of Greenland's abrupt climate variability

An international team of scientists, led by Dr Stephen Barker of Cardiff University, has produced a prediction of what climate records from Greenland might look like over the last 800,000 years.

Scientists study earthquake triggers in Pacific ocean

( -- New samples of rock and sediment from the depths of the eastern Pacific Ocean may help explain the cause of large, destructive earthquakes similar to the Tohoku Earthquake that struck Japan in mid-March.

New Danish research shows how oil gets stuck underground

It is a mystery to many people why the world is running out of oil when most of the world's oilfields have only been half emptied. However some of the oil that has been located is trapped as droplets of oil in small cavities ...

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