How quickly does a supernova happen?

When a massive star reaches the end of its life, it can explode as a supernova. How quickly does this process happen?

Iron 'fingerprints' point astronomers to supernova suspects

( —An international team of astronomers using data from the Japan-led Suzaku X-ray observatory has developed a powerful technique for analyzing supernova remnants, the expanding clouds of debris left behind when ...

NuSTAR telescope takes first peek into core of supernova

( —Astronomers have peered for the first time into the heart of an exploding star in the final minutes of its existence. The feat by the high-energy X-ray satellite NuSTAR provides details of the physics of the ...

A curious pair of galaxies

The ESO Very Large Telescope has taken the best image ever of a strange and chaotic duo of interwoven galaxies. The images also contain some surprises -- interlopers both far and near.

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