Extreme mangrove corals found on the Great Barrier Reef

The first documented discovery of "extreme corals" in mangrove lagoons around Australia's Great Barrier Reef is yielding important information about how corals deal with environmental stress, scientists say. Thirty four species ...

Pause in recent coral recovery on much of Great Barrier Reef

In-water monitoring by the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) shows hard coral cover across the Great Barrier Reef remains at similar levels to that recorded in 2022, with small decreases in the Northern, Central ...

The rise of coral-eating snails

WA researchers are monitoring coral-eating snails at Rottnest amid concerns of a future outbreak on the famous island.

A new model of coral reef health

Scientists have developed a new way to model and map the health of coral reef ecosystems using data collected on the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation's Global Reef Expedition. This innovative method, presented today ...

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