Great Barrier Reef sees fragile coral comeback

Parts of Australia's beleaguered Great Barrier Reef now have the highest levels of coral cover seen in decades, a government report said Thursday, suggesting the aquatic wonder could survive given the chance.

The rise of coral-eating snails

WA researchers are monitoring coral-eating snails at Rottnest amid concerns of a future outbreak on the famous island.

A new model of coral reef health

Scientists have developed a new way to model and map the health of coral reef ecosystems using data collected on the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation's Global Reef Expedition. This innovative method, presented today ...

Coral reefs show resilience to rising temperatures

Rising ocean temperatures have devastated coral reefs all over the world, but a recent study in Global Change Biology has found that reefs in the Eastern Tropical Pacific region may prove to be an exception. The findings, ...

Genetics could help protect coral reefs from global warming

Coral reefs are dying at an alarming rate as water temperatures rise worldwide as a result of global warming, pollution and human activities. In the last three decades, half of Australia's Great Barrier Reef has lost its ...

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