Pirate Bay moves from Sweden to Norway, Spain

Embattled file-sharing site The Pirate Bay is looking for safe havens in Norway and Spain after its Swedish host came under legal pressure to shut it down.

Knockoffs can spark innovation, boost economy, law professor argues

(Phys.org)—Conventional wisdom holds that strong copyright and patent laws are necessary to encourage creativity. Without such protections, the thinking goes, competitors are free to steal ideas, create knockoffs and drain ...

Review: Mega sharing service lacks versatility

New Zealand entrepreneur Kim Dotcom—still wanted by U.S. authorities on allegations of copyright infringement—launched a new online service this week for storing and sharing files.

Swedish music sales 'boosted by Spotify'

Music sales in Sweden rose last year thanks to the growing popularity of music streaming service Spotify, the country's music industry body said, offering hope to a sector battered by file-sharing.

Irish newspapers on defence over sharing links

The body representing Ireland's leading newspapers was forced to defend the way it enforces copyright law on Friday after revelations that it charges websites that link to its articles.

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