Free speech group fights lawsuits vs. news sharers

(AP) -- A San Francisco group that defends online free speech is taking on a Las Vegas company it says is shaking down news-sharing Internet users through more than 140 copyright infringement lawsuits filed this year.

New round of documents aired in Viacom-Google case

(AP) -- Before it bought online video service YouTube, employees of Google Inc. believed YouTube's business was risky because it relied on pirated content and recommended pursuing a different strategy, newly released documents ...

NY suit vs. Google seeks damages for pictures, art

(AP) -- Groups representing photographers and artists on Wednesday accused Internet search leader Google of copyright infringement in a lawsuit that mirrors complaints book publishers and authors have made for years about ...

Viacom-YouTube secrets to be exposed in lawsuit

(AP) -- A legal tussle pitting media conglomerate Viacom Inc. against online video leader YouTube is about to get dirtier as a federal judge prepares to release documents that will expose their secrets and other confidential ...

Google makes concessions on digital book deal (Update)

(AP) -- Google Inc. will loosen its control over millions of copyright-protected books that will be added to its digital library if a federal judge approves a revised legal settlement addressing the earlier objections of ...

Judge sets deadline for amended Google book deal

(AP) -- A federal judge set a Nov. 9 deadline Wednesday for submitting a revised agreement in the battle over Google Inc.'s effort to get digital rights to millions of out-of-print books.

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